Post Doctoral Positions:

Individuals wishing to join our group should be highly motivated and experienced, with a passion for developing and applying integrated approaches to fundamental problems in biomolecular structure, mechanism, and regulation. Candidates should have a strong background in general biochemical, molecular biological, and/or biophysical methods, and have a demonstrated record of high productivity in peer-reviewed literature.

When applying, candidates should send a CV, *along with three letters of reference*, to:

James M. Berger (
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Department of Biophysics and Biophysical Chemistry
725 N. Wolfe Street, WBSB 713
Baltimore, Maryland 21205

Graduate Positions:

The students in my group possess a diverse array of research interests and backgrounds.  Common routes into my lab are through:

the Program in Molecular Biophysics,

the Biochemistry, Cellular and Molecular Biology Graduate Program

the Chemistry-Biology Interface Program

The information on these web pages will help applicants through the admissions process.  Each program provides full tuition and stipend support for the length of your stay in a research lab, pending the successful completion of certain yearly benchmarks (e.g., qualifying exams, thesis committee meetings, etc.).  Teaching duties for the programs differ, but all have course requirements that applicants will have to satisfy during their first year on campus.  Typical times to degree are ~5.5-6 years.  I generally accept at least one student into the lab each year.

Undergraduate Positions:

My group is willing to host undergraduates looking to broaden their horizons beyond course material and become familiar with basic research in the biological and biophysical sciences.  Individuals wishing to join our group should be highly motivated, looking to pursue a professional science-related career, and willing to commit to a minimum of 15 hours of work per week.  Students can participate in work/study or honors research, depending on their career goals.

Interested candidates should send a CV, transcript, *and* 1-2 paragraphs describing their interest in the lab to:

James M. Berger (
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Department of Biophysics and Biophysical Chemistry
725 N. Wolfe Street, WBSB 713
Baltimore, Maryland 21205